The Healer Within

As above, so below,
as within, so without.

Master your health with

Timeless knowledge that brings long lasting results

This year has truly been nothing short of magical for me. From weekly if not daily synchronicities aligned to the course material, to an expanded awareness, a deeper state of presence and wealth of happiness and health. From the bottom of my heart... infinite love and gratitude for your guidance, wisdom and intention you so selflessly and gracefully share with us.
— Danielle N.

Learn the secrets of healing that modern medicine is overcomplicating

Are you overwhelmed by conflicting data and the flooded wellness industry? The Healer Within was created with my highest intention for you to restore health in a lasting way. It’s a record of all the knowledge I’ve gained through my clinical and professional journey organized into a 12-week program. It encapsulates different stages of awareness, detoxification, and nourishment through the interconnection of art and science.

In today’s modern world, it’s never been easier to access abundant information and get on the latest wellness trends. In reality, behind many appealing names (biohacking, functional medicine, etc.), learning that demands quick updating and emphasis on intellect accomplishes very little. Positive changes are often short-term motivated by fear and eventually lead to further instability.


Principles of Master Healers

The world is changing rapidly, stretching us from all sides. While it’s important to stay updated on these changes, the health of our body and mind depends on us to stay present and nourish it. When we look at the natural cycles of life, there are fundamental principles to health that always remain the same. This is wisdom and this is what we will master in the Healer Within. This is the strongest evidence-based medicine, tested, proven, and honored through time, not 20 years nor hundreds but over thousands.

In the Healer Within, I will be sharing the principles that ALL master healers share in common that ALWAYS align with the body’s innate ability to heal. NO MATTER WHAT your health challenges may be, these principles will show you how to bring balance to your body and mind.

If you are serious about getting to the root of your health in ALL aspects, learn these principles and implement them in your life, and watch how the inherent intelligence transforms your body and life!


Is medicine supposed be science? If so, is science valid?

Medicine is ART based on science. Science alone accomplishes very little.

Our innate ability to heal is only possible when we are synchronized with nature’s rhythm. Our modern science can measure some of these rhythms but 90% remains undiscovered with an incalculable value. It is not the complexities of science but the art of science that inspires us to achieve a deeper connection to ourselves and the whole.

In the Healer Within, you will learn timeless knowledge whose fundamentals work for everyone, every time while fostering our diversity. The course takes a threefold approach to healing:

Consciousness (Quantum Physics): We will begin to shift our perspective by learning about the human body as a sacred part of nature’s design. We will practice using all of our senses while quieting the mind, develop a healthy relationship with our fear, and discover the wisdom behind it.

Detox (Biochemistry): As we begin to re-connect with our innate healing system, we are ready to release what no longer serves us. We dive deep into each detox pathway both metabolically and energetically. The right sequence and the pace will be emphasized. During this process, you will begin to witness the vital force flowing to where it’s needed.

Nourishment (Regeneration): In each step of cleansing, we will nourish the body, mind, and heart by enhancing the synergy of our nervous system, microbiome, and the surrounding environment. This leads to healing from the inside out where we trust the uncertainty of life and grow spiritually.

A 12 month program to shift and transform!

What to expect from Healer Within

  • 12 modules

    • Each module consists of an online lecture looking at health from a different angle, sharing clinical studies, application methods, various protocols, and hands-on inspirational projects that hold you accountable and bring lasting results. You will also receive written materials in PDF form with abundant resources such as detox protocols, nourishment guidelines, book recommendations, and Dr. Kathy’s favorite products. All modules are pre-recorded so you can learn at your own pace.

  • Private forum

    • There will be a private forum where you can connect through authenticity (and vulnerability) and share your progress and stories.

  • Wisdom over data

    • The Healer Within incorporates different fields of medicine, such as ancient earth, functional/ integrative, and bioenergetic. However, it is intentionally created to be instinct based and wisdom focused. This is the most critical foundation that is crumbling in our modern society, including health professional circles. Common sense, science put into motion, and intuition is not only imperative but hold much more value than ‘I will show the science.’



  • Bonus #1: FREE Access to Online Courses

    • As a bonus, you will have access to ALL of my online courses such as parasites cleanse, EMF, and Cellcore I/II.

  • Bonus #2: Advanced Sound Therapy

    • Sound Therapy is the most popular and in-demand service I offer. THW members will receive a 20% discount

  • Bonus #3: Complimentary 1:1 consultation with Dr. Kathy

    • THW members will receive a 30 minute complimentary meeting with me

  • Bonus #4: Private invitation to future projects

    • This is not another detox program or an average wellness course. This is a stewardship to our planet and an investment for growth. The best investment in life is authentic relationships (I discussed this in module 10). I take your commitment to this program seriously and will make sure you reap all the blessings that deep human connections can bring! THW members will always be the VIPs to the future projects.

Healer Within
One time
For 3 months

12-Module Curriculum

Week 1: Introduction

  • Lighthouse

  • Master Healers

  • Is science valid? Evidence-based obsession

  • Human Psychology: perspective and behavior

  • Empty promise of dopamine

  • Genetics vs elemental Profile

  • The universe inside our body

  • Healing power of simplicity

  • Art of practice

  • Journaling

Week 2: Rhythm and Vibrations

  • Cycles and seasons

  • Changes and adaptability

  • Quantum Mechanics

  • Sound: primary force

  • Breathe: primary food

  • Cerebral Spinal Fluid: primary rhythm

  • Joy with Sun, Reflect with Moon

  • Siesta

  • Movement: walk, work, and dance

  • Case studies: ordinary people with an extraordinary life

Week 3: River Network

  • Drainage Pathways

  • Hydrating with Structured Water

  • Salt Water: a cure for everything

  • Colon Health

  • Enema 101

  • Application Methods

Week 4: Digestion

  • Evolution of digestive system

  • Emotional eating

  • World of Microbiome

  • Enzymes

  • Supplement Industry

  • Dogmatic Diets

  • Dr. Kathy’s Healing Recipes

Week 5: Detox I

  • The higher goal of purification

  • Body is electric

  • Dental health

  • Sinus health

  • Intestinal Cleanse

  • Application Methods

Week 6: Detox II

  • Nervous System

  • Bioenergy Medicine and Sound Therapy

  • Hormones

  • Liver, Yin, Gallbladder, Yang

  • Application Methods

Week 7: Detox III

  • Parasites: friends, or foes?

  • Lymphatic Drainage, Skin, Kidneys

  • Blood Cleanse

  • Application Methods

Week 8: Trauma

  • Heaven, Earth, and Humanity

  • Mind vs Heart

  • Words and voices

  • Hormones: our governing system

  • Release and Reprogram

  • Anatomy of Trauma

  • Storytelling

  • Nature as our guide

  • Different Techniques

Week 10: Eat, Pray, Love

  • Nourishment

  • Everything is a superfood, everything is toxic

  • Body Constitution

  • Creativity

  • Relationship

  • Dr. Kathy’s Recipes: how to amplify nourishment

Week 9: Inflammation and Immune System

  • Inflammation: never the root cause

  • Cell to cell communication

  • Infectious Diseases: city kids vs jungle kids

  • Symbiosis: frequencies and vibrations

  • Botanical Herbs: medicine, not foods

  • Immunotherapy

  • Application Methods

Week 11: Designing regenerative health

  • Regenerative Biomarkers

  • Feng Shui

  • Conversation with Nature

  • Community

  • Composting

  • Less Waste Lifestyle

  • Self-sufficiency

  • Application Methods

Week 12: Q & A

  • Protocols review

  • Product reviews

  • Common Conditions

  • Deeper understanding

  • Reflection

Healer Within
One time
For 3 months

This program does NOT resonate with

  • Biohacking and Wellness Trends

    • Nature has no ego. Nature never hurries, skips, or compares. This program is not intended to get ‘ahead’ of nature’s rhythm nor extract from ancient wisdom. We are here to cooperate and participate with them. This is the only way to master healing.

  • One size fits all solution

    • Science (what) gives us discipline and substance. At the same time, we are meant to be part of a creative solution (why, when, and how).  In order to grow and trust our bodies, we have to practice. While this course will share numerous practical tools and hand-picked resources by Dr. Kathy, the mission is to heal the whole body, not the symptoms.

  • Institution of science

    • Nowadays science is similar to food. The quality behind the same names and certifications such as an ‘organic apple’ or a ‘double-blind study’ varies greatly. We walk into a grocery store and soon realize there are few wholesome foods with vitality. They may be organic but off-season, packaged poorly or traveled afar, therefore all the certifications hold little to no quality. It is the same with science. Dr. Kathy values good science and this does not include 80-90% of studies published in peer-reviewed journals which are corrupted with conflict of interest, exaggerate common sense, and ultimately taken out of context of the whole. While Dr. Kathy will be sharing plenty of studies from multi-discipline fields of medicine, she encourages you to develop confidence through your own changes and transformation.