Online Courses


New and upgraded courses are available for enrollment


Parasite Cleanse (upgraded)

Parasite Cleanse is an ancient practice that everyone should perform on a regular basis. However, with chronic illnesses on the rise and the external toxic overload, this traditional ‘de-worming’ practice is not as simple as it used to be.

Dr. Kathy has carefully created this parasite cleanse course so you do not have to ‘guess’ during this essential cleanse process.

The course will be available on April 20th.

Once you purchase the course, further information and a unique link will be emailed to you.


Structured Water (new!)

We often hear that the root cause to chronic illnesses is inflammation. But when we understand what’s driving the body to inflame, it is due to dehydration. Considering 99% of the molecules in the human body are water, it would be much more intuitive to perceive health from this perception.

Dr. Kathy has been deeply involved in studying water since a child. Before her clinical work, she trained under master healers in Korea. Her extensive studies within two different worlds of medicine will expand your understanding of intracellular hydration. Whether it’s your digestive system or immune system, you will be able to see the body as a connected water network.

From different filtration to cellular detoxification, Dr. Kathy will not only discuss important biological role of structured water but deeper meanings of ‘bring water, you bring life.’

The course will be available on April 30th. You will receive further information via email.


EMFs Detox

This course combines holistic and practical solutions to EMFs.

  • History and science of EMF

  • Different types of EMFs

  • Human Health (Children, Cancer, Infertility, etc)

  • Environmental Impact

  • EMF Protection (product review, sources, etc)

  • EMF Detox Protocol

  • EMF Remediation Technique

  • And much more!

Once you purchase the course, you will shortly receive an email.


Cellcore Detox

Are you interested in Cellcore Biosciences products? Do you want to detox but are not sure where to begin? Please sign up to watch my Cellocore Detox Course so you can access, incorporate the most comprehensive detox program and products!

There are two versions 2021 and 2022.