Our foundation is nature’s laws. From sourcing to manufacturing, we value quality over quantity, hands of intentions and love over fast machines with electricity, joy over tedium, and small limited batches over mass production. This allows us to produce the finest hair care remedies aligning with respect for the beautiful temple, our body designed by our precious mother earth.
There are three medicines that we implement to create the most comprehensive hair care products. The foundation is the Earth Medicine which has the longest time tested evidence. The second is functional medicine which addresses current modern world’s health concerns such as pollution, toxicity, and stress which ancient time did not face. Lastly, bioenergetic medicine which governs the biochemical and physiological functions. Many so called, backed by ‘science’ or ‘ancient’ wisdom products isolate hair conditions out of context of the whole picture.
While the beauty industry is focused on ‘what’ for a solution, in reality ‘why, when, and how’ will determine the results. Tesoro embodies the art of self care routine. Each product meant to be used with care, intention, and integrity. We are here to inspire people to slow down and reconnect deeper with themselves by using all of their senses, creativity, and most importantly, trust their intuition.