Who can benefit from
Scalar Technology



Anyone at any age can benefit from Scalar Technology as the following are the foundational benefits:

  • Increases in energy on the cellular level in the body to reach the ideal 70-80 millivolt range

  • Improves cell wall permeability optimizing the intake of nutrients into each and every cell while eliminating the waste of cells

  • Naturally cleanses the blood

  • Boosts immune function over 140%

  • Maximizes mental focus

Common Concerns:

Below is a list of just SOME of the conditions scalar technology can help with:

  • Anxiety

  • Fatigue

  • Brain Imbalances such as ADD, ADHD, OCD

  • Chronic conditions

  • Autism *

  • Emotional and mental stress such as trauma

  • Hormones Imbalances

  • Lyme Disease co-infections *

  • Migraines/Headaches

  • Respiratory and Viral issues

  • And so much more!

    *(we are seeing the MOST amazing results!)




The genome of our pets and animals operates just as ours does and the cells, molecules, and organs communicate just as ours do; the immune system is the engine of health on which we all rely. While our pets and animals cannot generally communicate, they are much more sensitive to forms of energy invisible to us, such EMFs as well as light and sounds well outside the range of human perception.

For this reason, Scalar Technology can be an excellent, non-invastive treatment to address both psychological problems just as explicitly as other commone illnesses such as parasites, bacteria and viruses.